Supplier Selection Process

RAW Sourcing is committed to drive responsible business practices within our company and supply chain. We expect our suppliers to continuously improve their performance to provide safe workplaces, respect fundamental rights, enable environmental resilience and operate with a high standard of business transparency and ethics.

  • Safe Workplaces: Suppliers must ensure that the work place is safe from fire, electrical, chemical and any sort of hazardous threats.
  • Upholding Fundamental Rights: Suppliers should be able to safeguard against forced labour, child labour discrimination. They must also facilitate a formation of union.
  • Environmental Resilience: Suppliers should minimize impacts of chemicals, wastewater, air emission, waste and noise pollution. We are passionate about using technology to create and use sustainable raw materials. We are invested in suppliers who create new products from materials that can be reused, recycled and reborn.
  • Business Transparency: We expect all our business partners to comply with the local laws applicable to the conduct of their business in their respective countries. Suppliers must also engage in ethical business practices